DTM sample for nRF52832

Is there a DTM sample for the nrf52dk_nrf52832?

I see the sample supports nRF52840 and higher according to the docs.

I tried selecting the nRF52dk, and everything compiles and flashes without error, but I get no response on the UART, like I do with nrf52840dk_nrfrf52840 - using the Realterm instructions.

I'm using NCS v2.6.1.



Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the update. I would expect the DTM sample to work with the nRF52 DK board, even though it is not listed as a supported target. The reason this board is not listed is that we do not run our tests on this particular board.

    Odd that the "bad" board was working fine for other applications.

    Yes, this is a bit strange. Does the UART <-> USB communication work with other samples? If not, maybe the issue is with the Jlink serial bridge.
