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FreeRTOS with DFU service

In SDK_v11.0.0-2.alpha, there is a project: examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs_freertos\pca10028\ble_app_hrs_freertos\s130_with_dfu_pca10028.

But I can't find DFU service in it, Where I can find the FreeRTOS with DFU service Demo?

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  • I had add the DFU service to the ble_app_hrs_freertos_s130_with_dfu_pca10028 project, and the Master Control Panel could find the DFU service, But when DFU start transfer, the nRF51822 would crash! I trace the bug, after the function "bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)" (the end of the dfu service ), the code would jump to 0x3C440(part of the bootloader), and then the nRF51822 crash. I don't know what is wrong, Any suggestion?

  • @steven-lu: You have to edit the bootloader_util_reset -function, see the code snippet below:

    #if defined ( __CC_ARM )
    __asm static void bootloader_util_reset(uint32_t start_addr)
    #if defined ( FREERTOS )
        MOVS R1, #1
        MSR CONTROL, R1             ; Switch to MSP
    #endif //FREERTOS 