How can I program the Thingy:91 to send Data every 10 Minutes?


I am a student and new programmer and got the Thingy:91 for a project at Uni. I went through the getting Started guides and now I am at the point, where I downloaded VS Code and nRF Connect is on it. The Thingy:91 has the newest firmware and sends the data (temperature, location....) to the Cloud. How can I see the programm code and/or change something in it so the Thingy sends Data every 10 Minutes instead of 2 Minutes ? Can someone help me? PS: I am still a beginner, sorry. 

Is there any guide for that? 


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  • Hello! From the documentation I referred to, beneath the table of real time configurations, it states:

    You can alter the default values of the real-time configurations at compile time by setting the options listed in Default device configuration options. However, note that these are only the default values. If a different value set has been set through the cloud service, it takes precedence. The application also stores its configuration values to non-volatile memory.

    Opening the Asset Tracker v2 in VS Code, you will need to configure the time i..e CONFIG_DATA_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS in the prj.conf of the Asset Tracker v2 project.


    CONFIG_DATA_DEVICE_MODE_ACTIVE. This configuration sets the device in active mode. Default mode for nRF91 Series devices. Battery consuming, sending data at a given interval.

    CONFIG_DATA_DEVICE_MODE_PASSIVE. This configuration sets the device in passive mode. Default mode for the Thingy:91. Save battery, only send data when there is movement but every hour regardless of movement.

    Kind regards,
