Scan response not reported when scan-filter is enabled


We are using the NCS V2.6.99 for a sample project which scans for peripheral devices.

In this sample project, the scan filter (bt_scan_filter_add(BT_SCAN_FILTER_TYPE_UUID, &uuid);) is used so that only peripheral devices with the correct service UUID are reported. This works so far.

But when I enable active scanning, I don't get any scan response events of my peripheral devices which have the correct service UUID in their advertising data.

Is the reason that the UUID-filter is also applied to the scan response data?

Is it even possible to receive the scan response events from my peripheral devices when the scan filter is enabled, but I don't know the content of the scan-response?

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards, Remo

Parents Reply
  • Hi Simon

    Thanks for the reply and the link to the other thread. I almost expected that it wouldn't be that easy.

    So, I think the solution for my case is the same as described in the link. I don't use the filtering option and use the callback scan_filter_no_match() to implement the filtering and collecting advertising- and scan-response-data for myself.

    Best regards


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