Power Profiler + PPK2 slow on version 4.1

Hi. I'm on a relatively old ryzen-5 windows 11 PC and I get 30 FPS when recording power with Power Profiler version 4.0.0 and 2 FPS when recording with newer versions (4.1.<0,1,2>)
Don't really know what to do except keep the old version.

  • Hi Jason and Mathew,

    Could you please try the following and let me know.?
    Try recording for 5 minutes using version 4.0.0 and version 4.1.2
    Do must make sure that you rely on some external clock to count the 5 minutes and not on the timestamp on the ppk app.

    Ideally, we expect to see that after 5 min the version 4.0.0 will have less time recorded and version 4.1.2 will have the correct time. 



  • Hi Jason and Mathew,

    Could you please try the following and let me know.?
    Try recording for 5 minutes using version 4.0.0 and version 4.1.2
    Do must make sure that you rely on some external clock to count the 5 minutes and not on the timestamp on the ppk app.

    Ideally, we expect to see that after 5 min the version 4.0.0 will have less time recorded and version 4.1.2 will have the correct time. 



  • For me running 5 minutes with 1000 sps and using my phone stopwatch to time stuff:

    version 4.1.2

    2-4 fps, always
    5 minutes realtime gives 2:28.1 minutes ppk time
    version 4.0.0

    28-32fps, always
    5 minutes realtime gives 2:28.2 minutes ppk time


    Interesting issue.

    Changing usb ports (annoying on stationary computer), but worth a try.


    version 4.1.2

    26-31 fps

    5 minutes realtime gives 5:00.1 minutes ppk time (works well)


    version 4.0.0


    5 minutes realtime gives 4:59.8 minutes ppk time (works well)


    So my issue is with a specific usb port. But I regularly use this port for data transfer as well so I believe it 'works'.

  • It's basically the same

    with 4.0.0

    After 2 minutes the elapsed time was 42s on the UI

    After 5 minutes the elapsed time was 1:43s on the UI

    But the chart refreshed at 31fps.

    On the latest version I see almost the same behaviour, but with only 3fps

    After 2 minutes the elapsed time was 38s on the UI

    After 5 minutes the elapsed time was 1:41s on the UI

  • I'm plugged directly into my PC. I'll try another USB

  • I changed ports 2x but its the same .I also unplugged my jlink etc

    I then unplugged my Bluetooth audio dongle and swapped my mouse with the PPK2 and now it's 30fps

  • and the elapsed time is about right also