How to connect 2 I2S modules with nrf5340 audio dk?


I have Adafruit I2S MEMS Microphone Breakout - SPH0645LM4H for getting sound and for driving output via speaker I have tas2x63EVM amplifier. Since the nrf5340 audio dk has only one I2S I dont know how to connect these two. Can any one help me with this.

Thanks and Regards,

  • The nRF5340 Audio DK duplicates most of the functionality featured in your separate mic and amp modules. It has a built-in MEMS mic (VM3011), along with a mono DAC capable of directly driving a line-out or speaker (CS47L63).

    These two peripherals are already connected to the nRF5340, and configured for operation in the Audio DK's devicetree. It's possible to replace them and use your existing mic and amp modules, although it will take a fair amount of coding and configuration to accomplish.

    One advantage of the onboard CS47L63 DAC is its dual I2S ports; Port1 can transceive up to 8 channels, and Port2 can transceive up to 4. These two audio serial ports can be configured independently, and even routed to header pins on the Audio DK for external connections.

    This configuration flexibility, however, comes at the cost of complexity. You will need to study both the nRF5340 and CS47L63 datasheets in great detail to take advantage of these advanced features; Nordic's nrf5340_audio sample application does not enable any of this by default.

  • Hi Johnny,

    Previously I used stm32wb for my project there I used SAI for connecting my mic and amplifier. Using SAI block A I connect my mic and using SAI block B i connected my amplifier. Likewise here in nrf5340 I saw I2S has 2 modes one is for master and another is for slave lets take SCK pin, when I configure I2S I saw SCK_M and SCK_S. I don't know what it do. Can you help me with that.



  • Hi Johnny,

    Previously I used stm32wb for my project there I used SAI for connecting my mic and amplifier. Using SAI block A I connect my mic and using SAI block B i connected my amplifier. Likewise here in nrf5340 I saw I2S has 2 modes one is for master and another is for slave lets take SCK pin, when I configure I2S I saw SCK_M and SCK_S. I don't know what it do. Can you help me with that.



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