Central device ignoring indication of peripheral

We have 1 central device and 4 peripheral devices in which one of the peripheral is mobile device if we connect both mobile and other peripheral devices(nrf52840) the central is acknowledging either the indication of mobile or the device means if we connect mobile first then other devices  it acknowledge indication sent by device or vice Varsa 

kindly help in resolving this issue.

thank you


  • Hello,

    Okay. To narrow down the issue, try connecting to the nRF Connect mobile application and see if the issue occurs. This will help determine whether the issue is on the central device or the mobile app. I believe this is an issue on the mobile side.

    Since this is a custom mobile app, I don't know if I can reproduce the issue here. However, if you think this is an issue on the nRF side, I can test it. You can share a minimal project with the necessary configuration to reproduce the issue.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    Okay. To narrow down the issue, try connecting to the nRF Connect mobile application and see if the issue occurs. This will help determine whether the issue is on the central device or the mobile app. I believe this is an issue on the mobile side.

    Since this is a custom mobile app, I don't know if I can reproduce the issue here. However, if you think this is an issue on the nRF side, I can test it. You can share a minimal project with the necessary configuration to reproduce the issue.

    Kind Regards,

