NAS-RAI (Non-Access Stratum RAI) used on NB-IoT with nRF9161/51


NAS-RAI (Non-Access Stratum RAI) used on NB-IoT Control Plane : on nRF9160 it was controllable via the AT%XRAI command, using the <rai> parameter :

0 – Undefined, default

3 – Control plane one response

4 – Control plane no response

Is this NAS-RAI over NB-IoT feature also available with latest nRF9161/51 version (SDK 2.6.1) ?

What is the equivalent AT command(s) on nRF9161/51 ?

Parents Reply
  • Yes, I have a nRF9161-DK.

    Unfortunately, with the decision of Nordic, not to provide the explicit info to the application, what according RAI is supported by network (e.g. which RAI socket option gets active and which is silently ignored) it's not too easy to test it. Currently I'm too short of time, so for now I have to postpone these tests.

    (I'm also not aware, that Nordic has consolidated the documentation about RAI (and the pitfalls using it). In my opinion, quite a lot of users here in the forum fail to use RAI successful. Therefore I put the old table in my comment. In the old version "NO_DATA" wasn't enough, because CP-RAI would have silently ignored it.)

  • I've tried to test with a nRF9161-DK v0.9.1, nRF9161 LACA ADA, mfw_nrf91x1_2.0.1.

    That combination is not able to register at 26202 using LTE-M (the only Rel 14 network here in south germany).

    +CEREG: 2,"B982","031D7801",7
    I 02.836 : LTE cell changed: n.a
    I 02.836 : LTE Mode: none
    +CEREG: 2

    Using the same SIM card, a nRF9160-DK, v1.1.0, nRF9160 SICA B1A, mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5, that combination registers in that network.

    +CEREG: 5,"B982","031D7801",7,,,"00000000","00111001"

    So I'm only able to test the behavior with Rel 13. CP-RAI.

    (Not sure, seems, that is not longer possible to drag&drop a modem mtrace. My browser shows "An error occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator". I tried it a couple of times and I consider, it's an issues on Nordic's side.)

  • Achim Kraus said:
    That combination is not able to register at 26202 using LTE-M (the only Rel 14 network here in south germany).

    That's interesting. Could you please register a new DevZone ticket and provide the steps that you used, i.e. what app, what SIM? 

    Achim Kraus said:
    Not sure, seems, that is not longer possible to drag&drop a modem mtrace

    I've seen this issue before. Will report to our admin right away, as this should not be an issue. What happens if you choose Insert --> Image/Video/File and manually insert it?

  • I'm not really able to spend that much time in it, at least not for now.

    The nRF9161 and mfw 2.0.1 is not currently the focus of my interest.

    " Insert --> Image/Video/File"

    Strange, seems not to work from my side.

  • Testing with a nRF9161-DK v0.9.1, nRF9161 LACA ADA, mfw_nrf91x1_2.0.0 and 26202 LTE-M works. Maybe the 2.0.1 has an issue. I'm still not able to upload modem traces.

    The results with 1.3.6 and 2.0.0:

    RAi option AS-RAI AS-RAI using CP-RAI implicit (fallback)
    RAI_SO_LAST works works
    RAI_SO_ONE_RESP doesn't work works
    RAI_SO_NO_DATA works works

    Seems, that "NO_DATA" (now) works also for CP-RAI.

  • Achim Kraus said:
    Strange, seems not to work from my side.

    Sorry to hear that. If you want you can try to send the file to me directly in a PM to see if that helps. But I understand if you are not able to spend a lot of time on this issue, but it would be good to verify RAI support in your network. 

    Achim Kraus said:
    Testing with a nRF9161-DK v0.9.1, nRF9161 LACA ADA, mfw_nrf91x1_2.0.0 and 26202 LTE-M works. Maybe the 2.0.1 has an issue. I'm still not able to upload modem traces.

    If there is an issue with mfw 2.0.1, then it would be very good with modem traces. 
