nRF Mesh Library For iOS/Android


We are working on integrating nRF-Mesh-Library (iOS and Android) sdk into our app for mesh networking, it should support identifynode, provision, add app key and add network key. As we have our ble sdk, if we don't use nRF-Mesh-Library sdk, is it possible to directly use our ble sdk to perform those features of mesh networking? Is there any relevant documentation on what values ​​and which service/characteristics should be used?



  • Hello,

    You are possibly aware, but the sourcecode for the nRF Mesh app is available for iOS and Android (links in the right hand side on this page).

    I believe it holds all the information about services and protocol. That being said, it is all standard BLE operations, so it should be possible, but I am not familiar with what exact UUIDs to look for, or what commands to send. 

    You can probably find some information about it here. Particularly the link "proxy", which is what we call the BLE service that is used to communicate "Mesh protocol" through the phone app.

    Best regards,


  • We would like to see if we can get in touch with the developers of the SDK to understand the specific operations, UUIDs, and commands related to Bluetooth functionality. We are interested in finding out if there is any available information regarding the commands associated with the UUIDs. While we can explore the UUIDs ourselves, we would like to know if there are any resources or documentation that provide details about the commands.

    For example, we would like to determine if applying an app key involves writing to UUID 1827 with a value of 0x12345678 or something similar.


  • Hi TLam,

    Unfortunately, we are not at liberty to set you up with our developers at request like this.

    There are two Mesh GATT services, Mesh Provisioning Service, and Mesh Proxy Service. They are defined in section 7 of the Mesh Profile v1.0.1/Mesh Protocol v1.1, with reference to UUIDs defined in Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers.

    If I am not wrong, you expect that Mesh commands/messages are mapped to specific GATT characteristic UUIDs. This is not the case. The two Mesh GATT Services mostly just help transporting Mesh PDUs from the app to the Mesh Proxy node. The app still has to build the Mesh PDU on its own. The nRF Mesh libraries for Android and iOS help with this. I cannot comment on what how much BLE library can support Mesh feature.

    Please let me know if anything is still unclear.

