nRF Kconfig GUI can't find Kconfig information to display


I've installed Visual Studio 1.90.2 + nRF Connect for VS Code Extension Pack v2023.11.3 + v2.6.1 toolchains + v2.7.0-rc2 SDK.
Then I create a new application, copy a sample, blinky.
I add a build configuration for a nrf9161dk_nrf9161_ns(all by default).

When I want to open the nRF Kconfig GUI I get this message:
"Unable to find Kconfig information to display. Please select a Kconfig file first."
Guiconfig  works well.

I also got this output from the Kconfig:
[Info  - 8:03:27 AM]

boards\kconfig.:54: recursive 'source' of 'boards\kconfig.' detected. Check that environment variables are set correctly.

Include path:
[Info  - 8:03:27 AM] Encountered a parsing error, closing 4 files
[Info  - 8:03:27 AM] Status: False
[Info  - 8:05:56 AM] Waiting for change to Kconfig tree
[Info  - 8:05:56 AM] No conf file for d:/ncs/v2.7.0-rc2/zephyr/boards/nordic/nrf9161dk/kconfig.defconfig
[Info  - 8:05:56 AM] Waiting for change to Kconfig tree
[Info  - 8:05:57 AM] Waiting for change to Kconfig tree
[Info  - 8:09:23 AM] Waiting for change to Kconfig tree
[Info  - 8:09:24 AM] Waiting for change to Kconfig tree
I have tested the same setup on 2 different windows 10 machine, without success.

Did I miss a step in configuring the nRF Connect SDK?

Thank you,
Best Regards,

