Problem Lesson 4 exercise 3 BLE

When compiling the solution for lesson 4 exercise 3, I am getting the following errors.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    In the solution folder for this exercise, you will see that there are overlays written only for 2 boards:

    So when using any other boards, you will have to write the overlay for the same.

    In your error, devce_dts_ord_113 being undeclared, you can see from the devicetree_generated.h file in  \build\zephyr\include\generated

    that the error corresponds to spi@9000

    When you check the zephyr.dts file, you can see that the spi1 is actually disabled:

    So as a solution, you could write an overlay file where the sp1 is enabled, or where spi1 has the status="okay".

    This should do the trick.


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