Reading MPU6050 via Interrupts on NRF52840 and Bluetooth Connectivity Issue

I have successfully implemented an interrupt-driven method to read data from the MPU6050 sensor on the NRF52840, and it functions as expected. However, I encounter an issue where I am unable to establish a Bluetooth connection while the interrupt-based reading is active. I am working with the nrf connect sdk v2.6.1 and have configured the peripheral_uart example.

After I deleted that line, the Bluetooth connection became normal: 

mpu_read_n_reg(info, ACCEL_XOUT_H, info->sensor_data.raw_data, 14);

static void mpu6050_thread(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3)

	int ret = 0;
    uint16_t tmp[7];
	mpu6050_info_t *info = p1;
    struct sensor_value val[7];

	while (1) {
		k_sem_take(&info->gpio_sem, K_FOREVER);
		mpu_read_n_reg(info, ACCEL_XOUT_H, info->sensor_data.raw_data, 14);

		info->sensor_data.accel_x = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[0]);
		info->sensor_data.accel_y = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[1]);
		info->sensor_data.accel_z = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[2]);
		info->sensor_data.temp = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[3]);
		info->sensor_data.gyro_x = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[4]);
		info->sensor_data.gyro_y = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[5]);
		info->sensor_data.gyro_z = sys_be16_to_cpu(info->sensor_data.raw_data[6]);



static const uint8_t mpu6050_init_cmd[11][2] = {
    {PWR_MGMT_1, 0x80}, // PWR_MGMT_1, DEVICE_RESET  
    // need wait 
    {PWR_MGMT_1, 0x00}, // cleat SLEEP
    {GYRO_CONFIG, 0x18}, // Gyroscope Full Scale Range = ± 2000 °/s
    {ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00}, // Accelerometer Full Scale Range = ± 2g 
    {INT_ENABLE, 0x01}, // Interrupt Enable.  DATA_RDY_EN
    {USER_CTRL, 0x00}, // User Control.auxiliary I2C are logically driven by the primary I2C bus
    {FIFO_EN, 0x00}, // FIFO Enable.disenable  
    {SMPLRT_DIV, 99}, // Sample Rate Divider.Sample Rate = 1KHz / (1 + 99)  
    {CONFIG, 0x23}, // EXT_SYNC_SET = GYRO_ZOUT_L[0]; Bandwidth = 3
    {PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01}, // Power Management 1.PLL with X axis gyroscope reference
    {PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00}  // Power Management 2
