Power Profiler Kit II - Application Crashing on Window Maximize

LinuxMint (21.3) linux x64

When I attempt to maximize the Power Profiler application window, the application crashes. 

  • Hi

    I'll report this to our devs. But first, can you confirm which version of the nRF Connect for Desktop app and Power Profiler app you're using, and does it always happen when trying to maximize the window, only sometimes, or for example only when the Power Profiler app is running or connected to a PPK?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    nRF Connect - v5.0.0
    PPK2 - V.4.1.2

    The crash occurs most of the time when I simply maximize either the nRF Connect or PPK application. Occasionally, the app wont crash when I maximize the application window. Unfortunately, the behavior is not consistent. Sometimes maximizing works, but mostly it doesn't.

    A similar issue appears to be affecting some of the other applications in nRF Connect, as well:
    When I launch the Bluetooth Low Energy tool, nRF Connect crashes but the BLE Tool launches and runs fine.

  • Hi,

    Simon is currently out of office, so I will be handling the case from now.

    The application team is now aware of the issue, have recreated it and are working on a fix. For now you might be able to work around the behavior by deleting the ~/config/nrfconnect.... repository (it might be ~/.config)

    Let me know if removing this resolves the issue.

    Kind regards,
