nRF5340 Audio DK erased and bricked?

I just got a new set of nRF5340 Audio DKs and I may have been too fast on the trigger trying to flash the boards with example programs.  I'm using VS Code, and I'm a newbie with this workflow (I don't do much coding or firmware these days), so I hurried through opening a sample application, building it, and trying to flash the board.  I got some kind of "are you sure" warning about erasing the chip, but clicked Yes anyway.  The application did not run on the board as I had hoped it would.

Now, in the Connected Devices section of the NRF Connect tab, my device shows as a number, and the "..." button to the right has the Recover Board option grayed out.  

When I try to flash my application to the board, I get the following errors:

I have the same issue with both my boards.  Are they bricked?  Recoverable?  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi Rob,

    Could you try entering the nrfjprog --recover command in the command window? And then try flashing?

    If this doesn't work, could you open the "Programmer" app in the nRF Connect for Desktop application and see if you are able to select the device?



  • Hi Rob,

    I just noticed from your logs that you might be trying to flash the hex file of nRF52 onto the 5340 Audio DK.

    This explains the problem. Please so try with the appropriate 5340 file and let me know how it goes.


  • Thanks for the help!  I will try that when I get to the office in a couple hours.  

    Is it normal for my board to show up as "a number" in the Connected Devices list?  In a tutorial video it shows up by name, e.g. "nRF5340 Dev Board" or something like that.

  • OK, I was able to rename my boards, so I think you can ignore my question above.  I'll start a new thread on this ticket to describe my latest issues (app doesn't seem to run).

  • Now that I can flash the board, I'm having trouble with simply getting the sample applications to run.  I'm building and flashing my nRF5340 Audio DK's with two sample applications:  unicast_audio_client and unicast_audio_server.  Each of these are supposed to run from the start and turn on specific LEDs to show the application state (as described in the README files in the respective application folders)

    After flashing and then power cycling the board with unicast_audio_server, I get solid green on the LED labeled "OB/EXT" and fast blinking green on the IFMCU on the back side of the board.  The RGB led should be either magenta or blue (indicating server Left or server Right config), but it''s OFF.  No other LEDs are lit.

    After flashing and power cycling with unicast_audio_client, I get the same exact thing.  The RGB led should be green to indicate the board is configured as the gateway.

    I'm referencing this web page about the LED indications for both server and client modes:

    I can't find any documentation on the OB/EXT or the IFMCU leds, don't know if these are providing useful information by being lit, and blinking, respectively.  
