new DK nRF52840 rev 3 doesnt has VTG and GND detect , can you suggest alternative pin to this

i have switched to New DK nRF52840 Rev 3 , PCA 10056 3.0.0.  from old dk nRF52840 PCA 10056 1.1.0 . as the old dk has stopped working n no LED5 light on when power on . 

1) the new DK board VTG and Gnd Detect pin is missing can u suggest and alternative to these pins , as its required in programming . 

we need a)VTG i.e 3.3 v  , ( missing in new dk ) b) SWDIO (present ) c) SWD CLK (present d) GND detect ( missing in new dk ) . 

from which pin can i get 3.3v as its the requirement to program the external board .


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