Getting error in nRF Cloud


I'm getting this error in nRF Cloud when using a nRF9160DK connected by LTE-M to the network:

Device sometimes sends some data correctly but, after few minutes i got this error.

Restarting session did not solve the problem. I tried with Edge browser and Chrome browser.

Can you please help me?

Thank you in advance!


  • Hello, 

    I will forward this to our nRF Cloud team. 

    Kind regards,

  • Cristiano- is there a way you can detail the steps you took prior to this error? Our nRF Cloud team would like to recreate it, so the more detailed you can be with the types of messages you were trying to send would be helpful. Let us know if this makes sense, or if there is any other clarity we can provide.


    Kind regards,
    on behalf of the nRF Cloud team

  • Hi,

    I am seeing the exact same error reported by the OP Crstiano. My setup is as follows:

    This is a brand-new nRF9161DK. I used the "Quick Start" app to program in the stock "Asset Tracker v2" firmware. It initially connects to nRF cloud OK, and I see the first data packet populated, but the map is never shown. As soon as the app sends a second data packet, the webpage generates the error as shown above.

    My system is standard Windows 10 (fully updated) with Chrome browser.

    I don't know how they render the webpage (python?) but the reference to "e.direction.toFixed" should be a clue.

    I looked at a sample data packet and everything looks fine, so I don't think problem is with the Asset Tracker app; this looks like a server web page rendering problem. Sample GNSS data packet (lat, long omitted):

    "topic": "prod/98368497-7f46-48a6-b2d0-b5e463763c25/m/d/nrf-358299840021022/d2c",
    "deviceId": "nrf-358299840021022",
    "receivedAt": "2024-07-08T23:47:47.512Z",
    "message": {
    "appId": "GNSS",
    "messageType": "DATA",
    "ts": 1720482465000,
    "data": {
    "lng": ...,
    "lat": ...,
    "acc": 10.471175193786621,
    "alt": 351.898681640625,
    "spd": 0.2197185456752777,
    "hdg": 7.26429557800293
    "tenantId": "98368497-7f46-48a6-b2d0-b5e463763c25"

    Every new data packet always causes the web page error as shown.



  • Hi,

    I am seeing the exact same error reported by the OP Crstiano. My setup is as follows:

    This is a brand-new nRF9161DK. I used the "Quick Start" app to program in the stock "Asset Tracker v2" firmware. It initially connects to nRF cloud OK, and I see the first data packet populated, but the map is never shown. As soon as the app sends a second data packet, the webpage generates the error as shown above.

    My system is standard Windows 10 (fully updated) with Chrome browser.

    I don't know how they render the webpage (python?) but the reference to "e.direction.toFixed" should be a clue.

    I looked at a sample data packet and everything looks fine, so I don't think problem is with the Asset Tracker app; this looks like a server web page rendering problem. Sample GNSS data packet (lat, long omitted):

    "topic": "prod/98368497-7f46-48a6-b2d0-b5e463763c25/m/d/nrf-358299840021022/d2c",
    "deviceId": "nrf-358299840021022",
    "receivedAt": "2024-07-08T23:47:47.512Z",
    "message": {
    "appId": "GNSS",
    "messageType": "DATA",
    "ts": 1720482465000,
    "data": {
    "lng": ...,
    "lat": ...,
    "acc": 10.471175193786621,
    "alt": 351.898681640625,
    "spd": 0.2197185456752777,
    "hdg": 7.26429557800293
    "tenantId": "98368497-7f46-48a6-b2d0-b5e463763c25"

    Every new data packet always causes the web page error as shown.



No Data