Debugging question


I am migrating from nRF51 to nRF52810 and I am trying to set Debug because its not working in Keil5.

I use PCA10028 board and I am connecting my beacon to P20 port on the board with the same V,G,D,C as it was with nRF51.

Should I load softdevice before debug session?

What should be set here?

  • Hello,

    Yes. Keil does not automatically program the softdevice for you. For production you would probably do this using some scripts outside of Keil, but if you are just doing it on one device (or a handful) I recommend that you either use the nRF Connect for Desktop -> Programmer app, or you can use nRF Command Line Tools and the command:

    nrfjprog --program <path to softdevice.hex> --verify

    I am connecting my beacon to P20 port on the board with the same V,G,D,C

    Not sure what these mean. Do you mean VDD, GND, SWDIO, and SWDCLK? If so, remember that you also need to power the device by connecting VDD and GND on your DK to VDD and GND on your beacon. The P20 on your DK doesn't power the device. It checks whether the device connected on P20 is powered or not, and if so using P20 instead of programming the nRF chip on the DK. Also make sure that the GND on the DK and the GND on the beacon is common (by shorting them). 

    Let me know if it doesn't work.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Yes. Keil does not automatically program the softdevice for you. For production you would probably do this using some scripts outside of Keil, but if you are just doing it on one device (or a handful) I recommend that you either use the nRF Connect for Desktop -> Programmer app, or you can use nRF Command Line Tools and the command:

    nrfjprog --program <path to softdevice.hex> --verify

    I am connecting my beacon to P20 port on the board with the same V,G,D,C

    Not sure what these mean. Do you mean VDD, GND, SWDIO, and SWDCLK? If so, remember that you also need to power the device by connecting VDD and GND on your DK to VDD and GND on your beacon. The P20 on your DK doesn't power the device. It checks whether the device connected on P20 is powered or not, and if so using P20 instead of programming the nRF chip on the DK. Also make sure that the GND on the DK and the GND on the beacon is common (by shorting them). 

    Let me know if it doesn't work.

    Best regards,


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