Change settings of power consumption in asset tracker application for Thingy:91

Hello everyone,

Im currently using the Thingy:91 with the asset tracker v2 application. As I understand the default mode in this application is the passive mode. Im measuring the power of the Thingy:91 with the PPK2 and without any changes in the code, the power consumption is very high. 

My first question is: Why does the default mode have no energy saving mechanisms? How can I change that, or change the settings of the application? 

Thank you for your help

  • Hello, 

    The Thingy:91 is our prototyping platform and the Asset Tracker v2 is the demo application designed to showcase the possibilities of our nRF91-series. By default, the application has logging and serial communication enabled by default in order for you to see what is going on in the device using e.g. nRF Connect for Desktop - Serial Terminal. 

    You can enable "power saving mode" by building with the project with overlay-low-power.conf. This configuration file will help to achieve the lowest power consumption by disabling features that consume extra power, such as LED control and logging.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello, 

    The Thingy:91 is our prototyping platform and the Asset Tracker v2 is the demo application designed to showcase the possibilities of our nRF91-series. By default, the application has logging and serial communication enabled by default in order for you to see what is going on in the device using e.g. nRF Connect for Desktop - Serial Terminal. 

    You can enable "power saving mode" by building with the project with overlay-low-power.conf. This configuration file will help to achieve the lowest power consumption by disabling features that consume extra power, such as LED control and logging.

    Kind regards,
