Using QSPI with external flash


I tried to find information about using the QSPI with external flash on nrf connect SDK.

My goal can be split into two parts:

1. Use QSPI with external flash for read/write operation - to understand how to use the QSPI (device tree, drivers, etc)
2. Use QSPI XIP to achieve DFU using the extra space of the external flash.

Regarding point 1, I found partial data from questions by other community members, but it seemed they didn't base their implementation on certified nrf connect example/tutorial.
for the second point, I looked over Lesson 8 - exercise 2, but even there - it was just the basics (Yeah, I saw the links you ref in the exercise - but they are not related to what is going in the exercise), it is important to mention that most of the ref links talk about the zephyr sysbuild.

I will further explain my need in point 2.
I want to load into the external flash my new code, and use the mcuboot to use it as slot. (in the exercises the methods for DFU are using UART/USB/BLE etc which not fit thew idea of using external flash as partition)
how can I manage to use the flash as one of my slots and the most important how to make the mcuboot to get the code from there (swapping/scratch method)?

I would be grateful to get information of working with the QSPI <-> external flash to achieve my goals.


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