Get GATT Characters


    We move from ESP32 to nRF5340.  The API is different.  I search all samples and I didn't get the correct samples.  Anyone can show me which sample is suitable for us?

    We use nRF5340 as Central and our sensor provide customer's service and characters.  We want to us nRF5340 to get those characters.  In ESP32, the API is very clear like below

BLERemoteService* pRemoteService = pClientSpo2->getService(serviceUUID);
pRemoteSpo2Characteristic = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID);
Serial.println(" - Found our characteristic pClient-SPO2 ");
if (pRemoteSpo2Characteristic->canNotify()) {
} else {
   Serial.println(" - pClient-SPO2 can not notify. ");
    Can you show me the right sample to do that?