Redirecting printf to uart using retarget

Sifting through previous posts about redirecting printf to uart by using retarget.c, I have found this will work on previous versions of segger (5.42).  Has anyone gotten it to work with SDK 17.1.0 and the latest version of Segger 8.x and above?  I know lots of the segger stuff is deprecated with the shift towards Zephyr and VS Code.  I think I will eventually move there, but right now, I've got a working project with Segger 8.10b and SDK 17.1.0 and I need to do some debugging by redirecting printfs to uart.  The uart is working and sure, I can write my own, but want the easiest way to redirect.  I've defined retarget and have it included in my project.  I get build errors if library io is set to none.  I do not want to use RTT, just standard prints.

Thanks in advance

