I am using Asynchronous API of uart to receive the data. During the reception I face UART_ERROR_FRAMING issue in UART_RX_STOP event. But after getting that too it enables the uart again and carry on with receiving the data but after sometime which is around 17-20min the data stops coming.
The baud rate is 9600 and is same for both the devices.

What can be the issue?
PLease suggest

  • Hello,

    But after getting that too it enables the uart again

    Are you doing this manually? If so, are you able to pinpoint why it doesn't happen after "17-20 minutes"?

    Best regards,


  • Actually currently this issue is solved but I am facing some different issue right now 
    I am only receiving uart data and it comes after every 6sec and I store it in the sd card 
    It runs smoothly till 5:30hrs but suddenly after 5:30hrs my code gets stuck in 

    while (1) {
    } after generating a hard fault 
    I tried to debug step by step also but didn't find the issue because of which it was getting stuck 

    For reference, I am attaching my code below
  • Perhaps you can show what your hardfault looks like? Do you have any screenshots or logs?

    Also, if it is a fault message containing a bunch of register addresses, please also upload the build folder that gave that error (the exact same build folder. If you rebuild, you need to reproduce with the new build folder).

    Best regards,


  • Actually I put a breakpoint in the WFE() function as I know that it always gets stuck in that 
    In the call stack it was seen that after going through the hard fault it jumped to WFE()

    In the logs I get nothing related to this it was very normal 

    [05:32:43.950,469] <inf> home_demo: Buffer is released
    [05:32:43.950,469] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_DISABLED
    [05:32:43.950,500] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST
    [05:32:43.950,531] <inf> home_demo: New buffer set successfully
    [05:32:49.736,206] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_RDY
    [05:32:49.738,830] <inf> home_demo: The data from prodo is: 05:32:49 {"Hcho-mg/m3": 0.00,"Co-PPM": 0,"Co2-PPM": 1735,"Pm1.0-¦Ìg/m3": 6,"Pm10-¦Ìg/m3": 5,"Pm25-¦Ìg/m3": 6,"Voc-mg/m3": 0,"Temp-¡æ": 77,"Hum-": 75,"Noi-DB": 37,"UVA-mw/cm2": 0.07,"UVB-mw/cm2": 0.00,"UVC-mw/cm2": 0.00,"RED": 4,"GREEN": 0,"BLUE": 0,"IR": 0}

    [05:32:49.744,812] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED

    [05:32:49.744,842] <inf> home_demo: Buffer is released
    [05:32:49.744,842] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED

    [05:32:49.744,873] <inf> home_demo: Buffer is released
    [05:32:49.744,873] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_DISABLED
    [05:32:49.744,903] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST
    [05:32:49.744,934] <inf> home_demo: New buffer set successfully
    [05:32:55.540,618] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_RDY
    [05:32:55.543,243] <inf> home_demo: The data from prodo is: 05:32:55 {"Hcho-mg/m3": 0.00,"Co-PPM": 0,"Co2-PPM": 1736,"Pm1.0-¦Ìg/m3": 5,"Pm10-¦Ìg/m3": 5,"Pm25-¦Ìg/m3": 6,"Voc-mg/m3": 0,"Temp-¡æ": 77,"Hum-": 75,"Noi-DB": 39,"UVA-mw/cm2": 0.07,"UVB-mw/cm2": 0.00,"UVC-mw/cm2": 0.00,"RED": 4,"GREEN": 0,"BLUE": 0,"IR": 0}

    [05:32:55.549,224] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED

    [05:32:55.549,255] <inf> home_demo: Buffer is released
    [05:32:55.549,255] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED

    [05:32:55.549,285] <inf> home_demo: Buffer is released
    [05:32:55.549,285] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_DISABLED
    [05:32:55.549,316] <inf> home_demo: UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST
    [05:32:55.549,346] <inf> home_demo: New buffer set successfully

    Logs looks like this

    This is the build folder

  • How can I find the faulting instruction address in the build folder?

  • Hi, Edvin is out of office 

    Edvin said:
    Perhaps you can show what your hardfault looks like? Do you have any screenshots or logs?

    I can not see any hard fault from the log you posted below. 


    If you have a logic analyzer I would follow the date connection and verify that everything looks okey at the moment when it stops receiving. 

    If your device battery powered?



  • Hi, Edvin is out of office 

    Edvin said:
    Perhaps you can show what your hardfault looks like? Do you have any screenshots or logs?

    I can not see any hard fault from the log you posted below. 


    If you have a logic analyzer I would follow the date connection and verify that everything looks okey at the moment when it stops receiving. 

    If your device battery powered?


