LED array indication while dfu process in MCU boot

I am working on a project where my hardware includes an array of LEDs. I want to run an LED pattern on the array during the DFU process. I have tried to find a solution for this and found that there is an MCUboot indication LED macro available in Zephyr. However, I am unsure how to implement this on an array of LEDs.

  • I was able to do the exact same without modifying MCUboot.  I put MCUboot hooks in board.c as that file is compiled by both the APP and the child image (mcuboot).  Best practice would put it elsewhere, but it's the least intrusive way.

    In child_image/mcuboot.conf, I set:


    In my board's associated CMakeLists.txt file, I set:


    Then defined the following functions in board.c. You'll need to write your own system_led_blink() function.

    #include <bootutil/image.h>
    #include <bootutil/bootutil.h>
    int boot_perform_update_hook(int img_index, struct image_header *img_head, const struct flash_area *area)
        system_led_blink(LED_COLOR_OFF, LED_COLOR_PURPLE, 250);
        return BOOT_HOOK_REGULAR;
    int boot_read_swap_state_primary_slot_hook(int image_index, struct boot_swap_state *state)
        return BOOT_HOOK_REGULAR;
    fih_int boot_image_check_hook(int img_index, int slot)
    int boot_copy_region_post_hook(int img_index, const struct flash_area *area, size_t size)
        return 0;
    int boot_read_image_header_hook(int img_index, int slot, struct image_header *img_head)
        return BOOT_HOOK_REGULAR;
  • Thanks for the detailed instructions! I will try this approach and let you know if it works. I'll implement the changes in board.c and make the necessary modifications to the configuration and CMakeLists.txt files. I'll also write the system_led_blink() function. I'll update you on the results soon.

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