Powering up after a sd_power_system_off().

Hello List,

I have an Arduino Nano 33 ble with nrf52840.
It is powered directly with 3.3 Volt using 7 Volt and a 3.3 Volt LDO voltage regulator.
It is programmed (via the bootloader) using nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560 software.
The program is basically an adapted version of examples/ble_periphiral/ble_app_uart.

At some point I want to turn the system off by using a command send to it via BLE.
Then sd_power_system_off() is called.
After turning power off (switch between 7 Volt and LDO) and then it on again, the system should boot and advertise itself, but it doesn't.
Only after using the reset button (RESETN of the NINA-B3X) on the Nano does it start properly.

Is the power cycle not seen as a proper reset?
How can I make it start properly in this scenario?
Thanks again, Sietse

  • Hi,

    This can occur due to several reasons. Please check the following:

    1. Please make sure that the brownout detector of the nRF52840 is configured correctly in your application. If it doesn't detect the power-off state properly, this can occur.

    2. Also, ensure that there is enough time between powering on and off the circuit.

    3. You can try to use a GPIO pin to manually control the reset pin of the nRF52840. This can be done by connecting a GPIO pin to the RESETN pin and toggling it low in your application, before system off. 

    4. You can also try to use an external reset circuit, say, a simple RC circuit, so that when power is applied, the proper reset signal is sent to RESETN pin.

    Please try these and let me know how it goes.



  • Sorry for the late reply.

    I just resolved the issue. The problem was your issue #2. I didn't realize that when the power was turned off together with the low power consumption it would take 20 seconds for the 100 uF capacitor after the switch to empty.

    Thanks for the help!


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