BLE AoA DF Beacon incompatible with Broadcast Sink

Hello, I have an issue with a project I'm working on with a nRF5340 Audio dev kit. I am using VSCode with the nRF Connect SDK plugin, and SDK version 2.6.1.

I need to have the functionalities of a BLE AoA localization tag based on the "direction finding connectionless beacon" sample from the sdk, and Auracast audio stream receiver based on the "broadcast sink" part of the nrf5340 audio application from the sdk working simultaneously. However there is a configuration incompatibility between the two. I established that the direction-finding portion has many dependencies that require BT_LL_SW_SPLIT to be enabled in hci_ipc.conf of the child image for the net core in order to function, however the broadcast sink portion does not work if BT_LL_SW_SPLIT is enabled and requires it to be disabled, so I cannot have both functionalities at once.

To recreate broadcast sink not working when BT_LL_SW_SPLIT is enabled:
- build the nRF5340 Audio Application broadcast_sink (CONFIG_AUDIO_DEV=1, 
CONFIG_TRANSPORT_BIS=y) and broadcast_source (CONFIG_AUDIO_DEV=2, CONFIG_TRANSPORT_BIS=y) configurations and flash them to two dev kits.

- confirm the audio stream from the source to the sink works

- add CONFIG_BT_LL_SW_SPLIT=y to /child_image/hci_ipc.conf and rebuild broadcast_sink

- retest. It does not work anymore.

To be exact, in the debug log, after "Scanning successfully started" it should log "Broadcast source NRF5340_BROADCASTER found" but with BT_LL_SW_SPLIT enabled, which is needed for the direction-finding part of the program, it never manages to find the broadcast source and just keeps scanning. Additionally an "ECC HCI commands not available" warning gets logged. Is there anything I can do to make the direction-finding and auracast streaming functionalities compatible with each other so they can function together?
