Issue with Flashing Seeeduino XIAO BLE Sense using nRF52840 DK

Hello everyone,

I'm experiencing difficulties flashing my Seeeduino XIAO BLE Sense board using the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK) from Nordic Semiconductor. Despite correct wiring and using the appropriate tools, the DK fails to recognize and flash the XIAO BLE Sense. I'm seeking help to troubleshoot this issue. Here are the details of my setup and the steps I've taken:


  • Target Device: Seeeduino XIAO BLE Sense
  • Programmer: nRF52840 Development Kit (DK) Rev 3.0.2
  • Software: nRF Connect for Desktop (Programmer Module), nRF Command Line Tools (nrfjprog and nrfutil)
  • Wiring:
    • CLK (XIAO) -> SWDCLK (P20)
    • DIO (XIAO) -> SWDIO (P20)
    • GND (XIAO) -> GND (P20)
    • RST (XIAO) -> Reset (P20)
    • BAT- (XIAO) -> GND (P20)
    • BAT+ (XIAO) -> VDD nRF (P20) (optional)

Problem Description:

  • I have tried multiple times to flash the XIAO BLE Sense using the nRF Connect for Desktop Programmer, but the board is not recognized.
  • Each attempt in the Programmer module results in failure, indicating that the device cannot be detected.
  • This issue leads me to suspect a potential wiring problem, despite following the recommended connections.

Additional Information:

  • The wiring has been checked and rechecked multiple times and should be correct.
  • The nRF52840 DK's firmware is up to date.
  • The XIAO BLE Sense board remains undetected and unflashable through the Programmer.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or has insights into what might be going wrong? Could there be a wiring detail I am missing, or is there something specific about the XIAO BLE Sense that I should be aware of?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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