I am working on nrf52840 NCS  2.6.0v

I Configured the button to generate an interrupt every time it is pressed. Then, inside the interrupt handler (callback function) of the button I wrote below function.

void button_pressed(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
	int err;
	if(BIT( & pins)
			button_pressed_var = !button_pressed_var;
				err = bt_disable();
				if (err) {
					LOG_ERR("Bluetooth init failed (err %d)", err);
					return -1;


				err = bt_le_adv_stop();
    			if (err) {
       				 printk("Failed to stop advertising (err %d)\n", err);
				printk("device Off: \n");
				 err = bt_enable(NULL);
				 if (err) {
			     	LOG_ERR("Bluetooth init failed (err %d)", err);
				 	return -1;
				 printk("device On: \n");

            /* Button changed its state to pressed */
/* STEP 5 - Define a variable of type static struct gpio_callback */
static struct gpio_callback button_cb_data;

I got below error.

ASSERTION FAIL [err == 0] @ WEST_TOPDIR/zephyr/subsys/bluetooth/host/hci_core.c:331
        command opcode 0x200a timeout with err -11
[00:00:06.575,561] <err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000003  r1/a2:  0x00000000  r2/a3:  0x00000002
[00:00:06.575,592] <err> os: r3/a4:  0x20001758 r12/ip:  0x00000010 r14/lr:  0x0001260d
[00:00:06.575,592] <err> os:  xpsr:  0x41000016
[00:00:06.575,592] <err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00012618
[00:00:06.575,653] <err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 3: Kernel oops on CPU 0
[00:00:06.575,653] <err> os: Fault during interrupt handling

[00:00:06.575,683] <err> os: Current thread: 0x200027f8 (unknown)

How to disable BLE or stop the BLE advertising when i press the button and gain I press the button How to advertise BLE 

I am searched lot of dev tickets everything is related to nrfSDK.

Please help on this.

Thank you in advance.

  • Hello,

    Are you disabling the BLE again and again? I mean in the else condition?

    How about setting a flag in the button_pressed() and doing processing in the main based on that flag.

  • Are you disabling the BLE again and again? I mean in the else condition?

    No, only in if statement.

    button_pressed() function is a callback function for button interrupt.

  • I see in line 28 that you are calling bt-enable within that callback.

    Do you mind setting a flag in the callback and processing in the main.

    I can have a look if you let me know how to reproduce the issue you are facing (minimal code please). 

  • struct k_timer mytimer;
    /* timer call back function */
    static void my_timer(struct k_timer *dummy)
                button_pressed_var = !button_pressed_var;
                    printk("device Off: \n");
                    /* Here I want to Stop the advertising*/
                   /* Here I want to Start the advertising*/
                    printk("device On: \n");
    /*Button call back function */
    void button_pressed(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
        if(BIT( & pins)
                k_timer_start(&mytimer, K_SECONDS(2), K_NO_WAIT);
    /*Define a variable of type static struct gpio_callback */
    static struct gpio_callback button_cb_data;
    void main()
        /* Configure the interrupt on the button's pin */
        ret = gpio_pin_interrupt_configure_dt(&button, GPIO_INT_EDGE_TO_ACTIVE );
        /* Initialize the static struct gpio_callback variable   */
        gpio_init_callback(&button_cb_data, button_pressed, BIT(;  
        /* Add the callback function by calling gpio_add_callback()   */
        gpio_add_callback(button.port, &button_cb_data);

    Minimal code

    Above code is Power Button Implementation when i pressed one time the device is off and when i pressed again the device is switched on.

    In Off state I want to stop the Advertisement using bt_le_adv_stop() .
    In on state I want to start the advertisement again 

    If any suggestion to optimize the power its very helpful to me 

    Thank you in advance.
  • Hi Basam,

    Apologies for the delayed response due to high work load these days.

    Nonetheless, I suggest you not to enable and disable the advertising directly in the button handler, but rather set a flag and submit a work-item, and based on the state of flag the work-handler should enable or disable the advertising. This is so that the button handler should return immediately and any time consuming work is off-loaded to the work-queue. You can do something like this

    void button_pressed(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
    	buttonflag = !buttonflag;
    	printk("Button pressed at %" PRIu32 "\n", k_cycle_get_32());
    /* Work handler function */
    void work_handler(struct k_work *work) {
        int err;
    	if (buttonflag == 1 )
    		printk("Button Pressed to start advertising\n");
    		err = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_NCONN_IDENTITY, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad),sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
    		if (err) {printk("Advertising failed to start (err %d)\n", err);return;}
    		printk("Button Pressed to stop advertising\n");
    		err = bt_le_adv_stop();
    		if (err) {printk("Advertising failed to stop (err %d)\n", err);return;}

    where work_handler function will be invoked when a work is submitted to mywork struct.

    you may find WorkQueues also useful while doing this.


  • Hi Basam,

    Apologies for the delayed response due to high work load these days.

    Nonetheless, I suggest you not to enable and disable the advertising directly in the button handler, but rather set a flag and submit a work-item, and based on the state of flag the work-handler should enable or disable the advertising. This is so that the button handler should return immediately and any time consuming work is off-loaded to the work-queue. You can do something like this

    void button_pressed(const struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins)
    	buttonflag = !buttonflag;
    	printk("Button pressed at %" PRIu32 "\n", k_cycle_get_32());
    /* Work handler function */
    void work_handler(struct k_work *work) {
        int err;
    	if (buttonflag == 1 )
    		printk("Button Pressed to start advertising\n");
    		err = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_NCONN_IDENTITY, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad),sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
    		if (err) {printk("Advertising failed to start (err %d)\n", err);return;}
    		printk("Button Pressed to stop advertising\n");
    		err = bt_le_adv_stop();
    		if (err) {printk("Advertising failed to stop (err %d)\n", err);return;}

    where work_handler function will be invoked when a work is submitted to mywork struct.

    you may find WorkQueues also useful while doing this.


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