Aconno ACN52840 module does not resetting after programming by J-Link, RTT not working.

After problems with the programmer I have successfully flashed simple custom board with ACN52840 module, but the unit does not resetting after flashing using J-Link Pro. Starting after grounding reset pin or "nrfjprog --reset".

Terminal show:
Enabling pin reset.
Applying pin reset.

Simple board configuration:

3xVCC shorted

3xGND shorted

470uF capacitor across supply

Reset pulled-up by 10kohm.

Jlink pro connected to SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND, Vcc.

Another maybe related is that there is nothing on RTT viewer, on the nrf52840DK RTT and reset after programing is working as it should.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Ok, but are you able to verify whether the device was actually recovered, a recover will erase the flash. Can you also elaborate on whether flashing a sample such as the blinky sample works? Do you see the gpio toggling?

    Can you also specify what voltage you measure on:

    1. VDD
    2. nRESET
    3. GND



  • I was day off the work today, so could not check it, but I presume that it was recovered, than I have flashed it again  with my modified blinky from DevAcademy SDK fundamental course and indeed it is toggling, but after pin reset or nrfjprog --reset or voltage interrupt of course. Nrf52840DK perform as it should flashed with the same  example. VDD as I remember was 3.4 vs. GND, I will check tomorrow what is on nRESET.

    I have just recall that I have had same problem with the other project based on nRF51. Programmed the same way (Jlink pro connected to SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND, Vcc), I had to remove battery after flashing to get it work.

  • Hi,

    The nRF52 series usually requires a reset or power cycle after it has been flashed. If the issue is that the reset pin does not start the program after you have flashed new fw to it, and that you have to power cycle it for it start. Then the issue might indeed be related to the RESET line. Can you share the schematics of your custom board?

    Can you also verify by measuring directly on the RESET pin that it's pulled low to GND when you do a reset?



  • I do not have schematic, it is absolute minimum for testing:


    3xVdd shorted

    3xGND shorted

    470uF capacitor across Vdd-GND supply

    Reset pulled-up to Vdd by 10kohm.

    Jlink pro connected in 4-wire configuration to SWDIO, SWDCLK, GND, Vdd.

    Measured voltage on nRESET and Vdd: 2.97V

    Reset of programmer is NOT CONNECTED to module reset pin.

    I tought that reset after programming is applied using SWD lines the same like with command "nrfjprog --reset" but probably not and need electrical connection of Jlink with nRESET(in this configuration it is working fine).

    Maybe there is some option in VSC SDK to run command "nrfjprog --reset" after flashing. For space saving I wish to avoid extra 5th pin for nRESET purpose.

    Please forget about RTT it is sorted out now, I missed CONFIG_USE_SEGGER_RTT=y , CONFIG_RTT_CONSOLE=y in prj.conf, which was not mentioned in the nRF SDK fundamentals course.

  • Hi,

    Can you describe in more detail how you flash the board? Are you using VS Code nRF extension or are you flashing a precompiled hex using nRF Command Line Tools?

    Grzegorz K said:

    Reset of programmer is NOT CONNECTED to module reset pin.

    I tought that reset after programming is applied using SWD lines the same like with command "nrfjprog --reset" but probably not and need electrical connection of Jlink with nRESET(in this configuration it is working fine).

    Yes, the programmer will issue a reset through the SWD interface when it's done programming, not through the pin reset unless it's explicitly done by adding --pinreset argument. Based on your earlier description I thought that the pin reset was indeed connected to the J-tag interface.

    Do you see the same issue if you try to flash an unmodified sample from the nRF Connect SDK such as the peripheral UART sample? 

    Do you see the device advertising after flashing without having to power cycle it? Note, that this sample requires you to either have onboard LF crystal or change the LFCLK source to internal RC oscillator. I just want to make sure that this issue is not related to your custom application somehow. 


