NVM write error flash_nrf: invalid address: 0x00100ff8:8

In my project, using nrf52840 controller, I am trying to store 253 bytes of data in NVM, but I encounter an error: "flash_nrf: invalid address: 0x00100ff8:8." Is there any solution available to solve this issue?

  • Hi Rishvana,

    Please provide more information about your set. At the very least, what API are you using, on which SDK, at which version?

    Without that, I can only guess maybe you are somehow using some whole flash page writing API, which expects a flash page size aligned address, not something like 0x00100ff8.


  • Hi Rishvana,

    Please provide more information about your set. At the very least, what API are you using, on which SDK, at which version?

    Without that, I can only guess maybe you are somehow using some whole flash page writing API, which expects a flash page size aligned address, not something like 0x00100ff8.


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