Multiple Peripherals with different Characteristics

I have a system with nrf5340 with a Central and various Peripherals with different Characteristics.
The Central has all the Characteristics, therefore with different UUIDs.
However, I would like each Peripheral to see only its own Characteristics and not those that are not suitable for it.
It is feasible?
Best regards.

  • I also have a similar problem with the Peripherals: each device creates 2 different Peripherals with different Characteristics, one towards the Central and one towards a SmartPhone.
    The 2 configurations have different names, different address and different Characteristics, but with nRF Connect on the SmartPhone I also see all the Characteristics of both Peripheral configured.
    Is it possible to avoid this and only see the Characteristics configured for the Peripheral one?
    Thank you

  • I asked chatGPT: it suggests "Implement logic in firmware to filter service requests based on the identity of the connected device".
    It suggests using "return BT_GATT_ERR(BT_ATT_ERR_READ(or WRITE)_NOT_PERMITTED);" when the READ(or WRITE)_service call does not match the correct Peripheral device. But with nRF Connect I still see both A and B services.
    Any suggestions?
    Best regards.

  • If I understand you correctly, then you have a Peripheral that is a GATT server. It supports connecting to multiple Centrals at the same time. Several Centrals can connect to it, but you want to "hide" some characteristics for some of the Central GATT Clients that connects to it?

    How are you telling the different Centrals apart from each other when the connect to your Peripheral ?

  • They are distinguished both by name and static address.

    For the rest your reading is correct.

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