wrong version of ncs taken to process pristine.cmake

Hi, I try to launch west build command from a terminal.

I am first generating environnement variable as stated in this post :  Build an Application from terminal on ncs 

Then I call it, and finally, I launch this command : 

west build --build-dir c:/Users/b.bousquet/Documents/BTM/_build/Hardware/XSWIFI c:/Users/Documents/Project --pristine --board nrf5340 --no-sysbuild --cmake-only -- -DNCS_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=NONE -DCONF_FILE=c:/Users/Documents/Project/prj.conf -DBOARD_ROOT=./ -DTARGET=NRF53 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel -DHAL_NRF5=0 -DZEPHYR_BUILD=ON

Here is the output : 

CMake Error: Error processing file: C:/ncs/v2.5.1/zephyr/cmake/pristine.cmake
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 1: 'C:\ncs\toolchains\cf2149caf2\opt\bin\cmake.EXE' -DBINARY_DIR=C:/Users/Documents/Project/_build -DSOURCE_DIR=C:/Users/Documents/Project -P C:/ncs/v2.5.1/zephyr/cmake/pristine.cmake

So it seems west is looking for pristine.cmake in the ncs v2.5.1, which doesn't exist. It used to, but I removed it. I tried to reinstall v2.5.1 throught the toolchain manager and re-remove it again, but no luck. Any advice? Thank you very much

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