nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 - VS Code Extension Update fails to launch VS Code successfully


I was able to update nRF Connect SDK to v2.7.0 fine using nRF Connect for Desktop. However, the nRF Connect for VS Code extension update v2024.7.13 causes VS Code launch to fail consistently.

Environment is macOS 11.7.10.

nRF Connect VS Code v2024.3.25 runs fine.  Update to v2024.7.13 prevents VS Code from launching successfully. 

How do I disable the "nRF Connect for VS Code" update so that I can still use v2024.3.25 until the extension is fixed? I only see options "Update" and "Auto Update".

A "Disable Update" would be useful so that VS Code still launches with the "nRF Connect for VS Code" extension  update disabled.

Hopefully the nRF Connect VS Code extension bug will be fixed very soon. Thank you.


Parents Reply
  • Hello Ravi,

    Happy to help. Regarding the rollback of the extension, I found an option to do it through the UI without having to manually download the old installer:

    Unfortunately, it appears that VS Code lacks the feature to allow individual update settings for extensions. The update modes can only be applied to all extensions globally.


