Hi! Firstly I am somewhat new to developing on nordic chips so I'd like to apologise in advance or any silly mistakes or oversights I may have made. 

I am currently working with a XIAO NRF5280 BLE board and trying to program it using Zephyr & NRF Connect SDK on vscode. I am able to get basic examples running - like the blinky for example and writing to the board is generally fine.

The problem I am having is that I am unable to get the board to enter into a light system on sleep mode. I am attempting to enter into system on sleep using the k_sleep() / k_msleep for n number of seconds and from my understanding, this should automatically suspend the current thread and enter into the idle thread- thereby triggering system on sleep. However with blinky, when I attempt to toggle the boards sleep mode with led on vs led off, I measure a current draw of aroun 0.8 mA with the LED on and approx 0.18 mA when the LED is off. 

This in theory should be lower according to documentation, effectiely I am targeting a number sub 100 micro - ideally lower when the LED is off. I have read a number of other questions and answers posted and while I have managed to get the board operating at generally low power (0.8 mA when active) I cannot get below 0.18 mA. UART, console, logging is disabled already. 

In my proj.conf file one interesting thing that I noticed is that despite setting CONFIG_PM=y it remains set to n in the build. According to vscode a few dependecies are missing but I am unsure how I should correct this. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi

    Which NCS version you are using?

    The first thing would be to check that the modules you are not using should be off, like uart and logging etc.

    But looks like you have already done that. You may confirm it from ./build/zephyr/.config file.

    You may also like to disable peripherals that you are not using, e.g adc, or spi, or other hardware peripherals that you can configure using overlay files.

    The power optimization guide might also be helpful.

  • Hi

    Which NCS version you are using?

    The first thing would be to check that the modules you are not using should be off, like uart and logging etc.

    But looks like you have already done that. You may confirm it from ./build/zephyr/.config file.

    You may also like to disable peripherals that you are not using, e.g adc, or spi, or other hardware peripherals that you can configure using overlay files.

    The power optimization guide might also be helpful.
