Hi! Firstly I am somewhat new to developing on nordic chips so I'd like to apologise in advance or any silly mistakes or oversights I may have made. 

I am currently working with a XIAO NRF5280 BLE board and trying to program it using Zephyr & NRF Connect SDK on vscode. I am able to get basic examples running - like the blinky for example and writing to the board is generally fine.

The problem I am having is that I am unable to get the board to enter into a light system on sleep mode. I am attempting to enter into system on sleep using the k_sleep() / k_msleep for n number of seconds and from my understanding, this should automatically suspend the current thread and enter into the idle thread- thereby triggering system on sleep. However with blinky, when I attempt to toggle the boards sleep mode with led on vs led off, I measure a current draw of aroun 0.8 mA with the LED on and approx 0.18 mA when the LED is off. 

This in theory should be lower according to documentation, effectiely I am targeting a number sub 100 micro - ideally lower when the LED is off. I have read a number of other questions and answers posted and while I have managed to get the board operating at generally low power (0.8 mA when active) I cannot get below 0.18 mA. UART, console, logging is disabled already. 

In my proj.conf file one interesting thing that I noticed is that despite setting CONFIG_PM=y it remains set to n in the build. According to vscode a few dependecies are missing but I am unsure how I should correct this. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Just an update on this - I switched out to a custom board I had made (uses a nina b306) and for the most part I was able to get the current draw down to approximately 10uA with the same code. I'm not entirely sure why this is but, I assume there are some hardware features on the XIAO that I have either overlooked or neglected to toggle. Despite searching for a specific cause I have found nothing worthy of note. Regardless, a large bulk of the issue seems to have been resolved using the custom board. 

    A second issue of further power optimization to get around 2-5uA still needs to be done but I'm fairly confident this can be achieved by using some tips in the power optimization guide; placing external flash into sleep mode is something I feel would do the trick but I am yet to test this.
  • Just an update on this - I switched out to a custom board I had made (uses a nina b306) and for the most part I was able to get the current draw down to approximately 10uA with the same code. I'm not entirely sure why this is but, I assume there are some hardware features on the XIAO that I have either overlooked or neglected to toggle. Despite searching for a specific cause I have found nothing worthy of note. Regardless, a large bulk of the issue seems to have been resolved using the custom board. 

    A second issue of further power optimization to get around 2-5uA still needs to be done but I'm fairly confident this can be achieved by using some tips in the power optimization guide; placing external flash into sleep mode is something I feel would do the trick but I am yet to test this.
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