Why data sent from nrf52833DK can be received by client(mobile phone)


I use Nrf52833dk running ncs v2.6.0.

I transport peripherial_uart to peripheral_hids_keyboard ,obviously I wanna make MOBILE OR PC can connect to DK and regard dk as a hid,and then receive data from dk sent by uart.

I found that peripheral_hids_keyboard can make part of that come true,but only specific message,so I transport uart into this project.

And my problem is that pc or mobile cant receive data.

Here is my code.

Best regards,


static void data_send_proc(void)
	int err;
	struct uart_data_cmd_t *buf = k_fifo_get(&fifo_uart_rx_data,
	for(int i =0;i<buf->len;i++){	
		printk("data[%d] is %d\n",i,buf->data[i]);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < CONFIG_BT_HIDS_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; i++) {
			printk("conn_mode[%d] = %d\n",i,conn_mode[i].conn);
			err = bt_hids_inp_rep_send(&hids_obj, conn_mode[i].conn,
								INPUT_REP_KEYS_IDX, (uint8_t const *)buf->data,
								buf->len, NULL);

Parents Reply
  • Hi Vidar Berg,

    THANKS for reply,

    but there are two questions,

    the first one is tha my app cant conncet to server,and pic is as follows(but mobile without opening app can connect).And what i wanna is that mobile can receive data without any app,just like using keyboard entry word into .word files.

    the other one is that PC cant connect to server as well.

    Best regards,

