Integrate ADC for battery percentage calculation in BLE mesh chat application.

I need to measure the battery percentage using adc. i have created an application for ADC and its measuring correctly.  Now i need to measure the battery percentage of another device using the ble mesh , so i have taken the chat application to integrate this ADC battery mesurement. How to integrate with it.

Parents Reply
  • cyriactoms said:
    Now, from the host device i need to get the battery percentage of client device using mesh. which is connected across.

    This is the part I am struggeling with. If I am understanding you correctly you want the battery percentage of the client device sent to the host device over BLE Mesh.

    cyriactoms said:
    For this i have taken mesh chat sample to integrate ADC into it. and get the battery percentage of the device.

    Sounds like a good starting point. 

    One thing you might want to consider doing later is the switch mesh model into something that is made for values like battery percentages, or potentially create your own. In order to get a better understanding of how these models work we've actually used the Mesh chat sample as an example, and gone through it step by step here. If you find integrating the battery thing difficult I guess going through the documentation on how the sample work would help out.


