Assistance Needed with BLE Application Development on nRF5340 Development Board

Hello Nordic Team,

I am writing because I encountered an issue while developing a BLE application on the nRF5340 development board. Currently, I have set up this callback to receive commands from the nRF Connect app:

static ssize_t setPlayTrack(struct bt_conn *conn,
                            const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr,
                            const void *buf,
                            uint16_t len,
                            uint16_t offset,
                            uint8_t flags)
    uint16_t track_number = *((uint16_t *)buf);

    if (track_number < 1 || track_number > 2999) 

    DFPlayer_Errors_t err = DFPlayer_setPlay(&dfPlayerDriverOne, track_number);
    err = DFPlayer_setPlay(&dfPlayerDriverTwo, track_number);
    err = DFPlayer_setPlay(&dfPlayerDriverThree, track_number);
    err = DFPlayer_setPlay(&dfPlayerDriverFour, track_number);

    if (err != DF_PLAYER_ERROR_NONE) 

    return len;

I send 16-bit data from the mobile app and receive it on the microcontroller. However, during debugging, I noticed an issue with the received data. When I send the number 1 from the app, I receive the number 3 on the microcontroller. Here are some of the results:

  • Sending (uint16) 1 from the app, I receive 3 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 2 from the app, I receive 2 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 3 from the app, I receive 3 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 4 from the app, I receive 4 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 5 from the app, I receive 7 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 6 from the app, I receive 6 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 7 from the app, I receive 7 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 8 from the app, I receive 8 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 9 from the app, I receive 11 (uint16) on the microcontroller.
  • Sending (uint16) 10 from the app, I receive 10 (uint16) on the microcontroller.

It seems that, for some commands, the second bit of the LSB in the 16-bit series is being set to 1. I couldn't identify the problem during debugging. Could you help me? I've attached a screenshot of the debug session where I send the uint16 value 1.

Thank you.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Hieu,

    I am currently absolutely sure that the data from the nrF APP is being sent correctly, and the error is reproducible consistently. However, I need to notify you that the len and offset are not always zero. Specifically, the length is 3 and the offset is zero, but sometimes the offset changes and becomes different from zero.


  • Hi Cristian,

    You will need to take offset into account when reading the data. Could you please update the callback handler to only copy len, offset, and ~10 bytes from buf to a different location and set a flag; and then in another thread or the main loop, act upon that flag and print out the value?

    I would like to look at what the data is like. Printing can take time, and the handler should be quick, thus I suggest copying the value out and print in a different context.

