Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

Bootloader Transition - From nRF5 SDK17 to MCUBoot

Good day.  We ended up getting a bootloader based on the NRF5 using the Serial Recovery method and a non-upgradable bootloader.  The update is coming from a microcontroller, written in C.
With the new nRF54 Series coming out, I would like to transition from the nRF52 series.  My understanding is that the newest chips are only working with the nRF Connect SDK.

Do you know of any examples where an nRF Connect SDK MCUBoot bootloader is used to update the application using serial recovery from a microcontroller?
I have looked a few times to look up some good examples, but nothing ever seemed to be readily available for a microcontroller.  The tools used in the examples are in Go and use the PC command line.

Parents Reply
  • I've run all of the serial DFU training courses when they were released in March.  All of those are on a PC using the mcumgr-cli (written in Go).

    I'd like to be able to use the same serial recovery from a microcontroller like we're currently doing today with the previous version that was using the nRF5 SDK 17.

    At that time, we didn't know about the nRF54 family and weren't worrying about changing.  Things have recently changed though where we're spinning a new board, and we're open to updating.  However, we cannot give more than around 1-week of time to get the new chip working with MCUboot since the older one is already there and working with nRF5 SDK 17's bootloader.

    This must be a blocking issue for more teams than just mine that cannot move to newer versions of chips immediately because of the concerns of porting the old bootloader way to the new bootloader way.
