Cannot assign a value to CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMAGE_VERSION


I'm suing the smp_svr sample from the Zephyr SDK 2..6.1

I want to change the CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMAGE_VERSION to force the OTA DFU ( over bluetooth ) but when I add an extra CMake argument i.e -DCONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMAGE_VERSION ="1.2.3" I get the following

"warning: attempt to assign the value '1.2.3' to the undefined symbol MCUBOOT_IMAGE_VERSION"

If I remove the extra CMake argument the resulting update image manifest in the  has 

"version_MCUBOOT": "0.0.0+0"  - so I assume the bootloader will not update the image?
Tried to include a .conf file with CONFIG_MCUBOOT_IMAGE_VERSION ="1.2.3"  - it builds but has no effect on the "version_MCUBOOT" variable  in the manifest
What am I missing?
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