Mesh LPN switch example - High current


Running on the latest 2v7 release 2 light switch examples, one running the lpn overlay and the other without. Creating a scenario with lpn node and a friendship node, provisioned via the android app. The LPN node is consuming 220uA, which is rather high, I have seen this in the double digits several months ago so I believe a change in the sdk has caused this high current. I will roll back and see if I can get the low current that I have previously seen before. 


2x nrf52832 dev kits - rev3.

mesh_light_switch example, 1 with overlay-lpn.conf,

the other with CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND_LOG_LEVEL_DBG=y to verify the friendship. 

Current measured through the nrf current measurement pin headers,

Note: the bt_mesh_proxy_identity_enable() does not change the current consumption

Thank you, 


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