PDM Mic Can't read data

I have build a simple program to Interface my PDM (ICS 41351) Mic with my nRF52840 DK usnig nRF SDK on VS Code, although the program in build and flashed successfully I cant see anything MIC data or anything getting printed on the serial monitor. Here's the link to my Application : Link

Parents Reply
  • Unfortunately these samples directly from the zephyr repo aren't made by Nordic, and therefore might be a bit harder to support, though I see that it should work with a 52840DK by default (according to the documentation).

    I assume you've had no issues running other things on the DK? (just to make sure that the DK works).

    Have you modified anything HW wise on the DK? (shorted anything etc.)

    What NCS version are you using?

    Could you show me a picture of how you've connected it?



No Data