Dongle NRF52840 USB serial terminal

Hi, I have developed my own custom module with a program based on the NUS example.

I wanted to use the dongle as a configurator (in the sense that i connect it to the usb and via realterm/teraterm i can write to the uart and then transmit via ble).

The printk's are displayed correctly so the transmission over usb I assume works, how do I also receive ?

I tried with nus_shell but i have to be able to identify all kinds of commands and not only those previously implemented in the code via "SHELL_CMD_REGISTER" i don't know if i explained.

I use ncsv.2.6.1, thanks you for the support

Parents Reply
  • Giovanni De Rosa said:
    I realised I was not using the native peripheral_uart example but a version I modified of central_periperhal_hr
    because i wanted the dongle to have both central and peripheral functions. In fact, I don't see any references to "prj_cdc.conf, and usb.overlay" in it.

    You will have to refer to the prj_cdc.conf and usb.overlay from the peripheral_uart sample and copy the relevant configurations over. The authors simply do not want to demonstrate USB CDC ACM in the central_peripheral_hr sample.

    Giovanni De Rosa said:
    I solved it with the example echo_bot

    If it works with echo_bot, could you be using raw UART with a UART-to-USB-CDC-ACM bridge? It does not have any USB support.

    You mentioned USB in your opening post, which is why I refer you to all the USB configurations.

    In any cases, glad to know you have it working. Please feel free to close it at your convenience.

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