Communication between nrf52840 and nrf9160 with connectivity bridge on Thingy:91


I'm experiencing an issue with communication between the nRF52840 and nRF9160 on the Thingy platform using the connectivity bridge. I successfully established communication between the two devices using UART1 without employing the connectivity bridge sample, and I was able to visualize the logs using SEGGER. However, after integrating my working sample with the connectivity bridge sample, the communication fails, when I transmit a message from the nRF9160 to the nRF52840, the transmission appears successful, but no message is received on the nRF52840.

I will provide the two applications I used to communicate successfully without the connectivity bridge. Could someone guide me on how to merge these applications with the connectivity bridge sample?

Thank you!

And here is my connectivity bridge application modified :

Best Regards,


  • Hi!

    I successfully established communication between the two devices using UART1 without employing the connectivity bridge sample
    I will provide the two applications I used to communicate successfully without the connectivity bridge. Could someone guide me on how to merge these applications with the connectivity bridge sample?

    Looks like you now have 2 firmware modules that uses UART1, both in your app_uart_init() in main.c,  and in the connectivity bridge uart_handler.c , so you have a conflict here, I think you need to look into and decide what module you want to use.

  • Hi!

    I successfully established communication between the two devices using UART1 without employing the connectivity bridge sample
    I will provide the two applications I used to communicate successfully without the connectivity bridge. Could someone guide me on how to merge these applications with the connectivity bridge sample?

    Looks like you now have 2 firmware modules that uses UART1, both in your app_uart_init() in main.c,  and in the connectivity bridge uart_handler.c , so you have a conflict here, I think you need to look into and decide what module you want to use.
