PAWR prevents cancelling a pending connection

I am trying to cancel a pending connection as a workaround for  BT connection timeouts with PAWR enabled .

However when I run:


LOG_DBG("Peripheral connection timeout cancelling and trying later");
int err = bt_conn_disconnect(conn, BT_HCI_ERR_REMOTE_USER_TERM_CONN);
if (err) {
LOG_WRN("Failed to disconnect from peripheral (%i)", err);

 I get:


rtt:~$ rtt:~$ [0:0:15.947,723] <dbg> ******: connect_timeout_workfn: Peripheral connection timeout cancelling and trying later
00> rtt:~$ [0:0:15.947,998] <wrn> bt_hci_core: opcode 0x200e status 0xc
00> rtt:~$ [0:0:15.947,998] <wrn> ******: Failed to disconnect from peripheral (-13)


I am running this as delayed work 10 seconds after starting a connection attempt.

When I run this with PAWR disabled it succeeds and I get a callback to bt connect callback with an error code

  • Hi saty9pd,

    Thank you for the information. I will relay this to our internal team. We will investigate this and get back to you.

    Unfortunately, we are facing abnormally high loading, and it might take one or two weeks before we can follow up. Our apologies for the inconvenience.


    P.s: It would look obvious to you that I just copied my answer from your other thread over, but that's jus because the issue you raised here needs to be handled the same way.

  • Hi saty9pd,

    Thank you for the information. I will relay this to our internal team. We will investigate this and get back to you.

    Unfortunately, we are facing abnormally high loading, and it might take one or two weeks before we can follow up. Our apologies for the inconvenience.


    P.s: It would look obvious to you that I just copied my answer from your other thread over, but that's jus because the issue you raised here needs to be handled the same way.

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