BLE commisioning issue for nanoleaf bulb via OTBR using matter chip tool

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to pair the nano leaf bulb using matter chip tool via Open thread border router. I need some help on how to use chip tool to commision the matter device.

Setup details:
Using the ubuntu system 20.04, with nr52840 dongle connected.

git clone
cd ot-br-posix
INFRA_IF_NAME=wlan0 ./script/setup
This is the arguments added in the otbr-agent service file
OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B wlan0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0"
sudo systemctl start otbr-agent
configuring the otbr
sudo ot-ctl
dataset init new
dataset # Copy the dataset output and use it to configure the network
dataset commit active
ifconfig up
thread start

I have installed the chip tool using snap

Now i'm trying to pair the nano leaf bulb using chip-tool. I'm not able to connect the device, and i dont see any chip device is getting detected.

These are the info i got from the nano leaf bulb.

ID: 7I0N
This link i got it after scanning the QR code: X-HM://0L6VF20DA7I0ND9EAOHG7QKSK5ZAL1C

I'm not able to figure out what is the manual pairing code here. If i pass the QR code link i got it as payload, chiptool is throwing an error in decoding QR code.

Tried below command for paring using ble-thread, this is trying to scan for the chip device, but no chip device found.

sudo chip-tool pairing ble-thread 1 hex:0e080000000000010000000300001735060004001fffe00208ed81450b9d850f4c0708fdb7e482b9b058410510fa36a7f8255956226e4b33450919d465030f4f70656e5468726561642d663865620102f8eb041059508b89f4b5a45eae26cb2f3f2dea3f0c0402a0f7f8 66148702 3840

I need help on paring the matter device using the chip tool.

Please if anyone knows how to do it. please guide me.

Thank you...
