PPK2 not working on ubuntu 24.04


I cant get ym PPK2 to work on my ubuntu 24.04 machine. 

When i open the program it can see the PPK2 in the dropdown but when i select it it failes. I get the following error on the console: 

14:46:00.084	Initialising nrfutil module: device
14:46:01.530	Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.13.0
14:46:01.742	Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
14:46:01.742	Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
14:46:01.742	Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
14:46:01.742	Using JLink version: JLink_V7.96k
14:46:01.742	Installed JLink version does not match the expected version (JLink_V7.94e)
14:46:01.771	Device Connected SN:4048FDE5314B
14:46:01.772	Getting serialport options from persistent store 4048FDE5314B.pc-nrfconnect-ppk
14:46:01.773	Device Connected SN:C6F2D90BB708
14:46:01.773	Getting serialport options from persistent store C6F2D90BB708.pc-nrfconnect-ppk
14:46:03.568	Error: Failed with exit code 1. Failed to device info one or more devices: * C6F2D90BB708: [sdfu] No deviceInfo available for the device, code: Argument. Message: Operation device-info failed, [sdfu] No deviceInfo available for the device.
14:46:03.568	Validating firmware for device with s/n C6F2D90BB708
14:46:03.568	Connected to device with serial number: C6F2D90BB708 and family: Unknown
14:46:03.568	Note: no pre-compiled firmware is available for the selected device.
14:46:03.569	Error while setting up device C6F2D90BB708
14:46:03.569	"No device setup found"
14:46:03.569	Deselecting device
