Communication with nrfCloud from external devices

HI all! 

I've been doing some research on working with nRF Cloud and I have a few questions/clarifications: 

1. In general are you able to drive/control a GPIO pin through a cloud service? I'm already assuming this is a no since these are mostly for collecting and transforming data but just to make sure. 

2. Generally to drive the GPIO NMOS for the nRF91 SiP on the Thingy 91 would be done through an LTE connection, is it possible to do this through creating an external application like an app or website? So you could press a button on this application and that would set the variable assigned to a pin to be set to HIGH and then it drives an LED or whatever would be connected to the GPIO pin?

3. Also if I have my Thingy plugged into the wall to power, I should still be able to use the Serial Monitor application on nRF Connect for Desktop to communicate via AT commands correct?  

I'm trying to gauge the full extent of the GPIO and cloud capabilities associated with the Thingy 91 so advice would be greatly appreciated for a beginner like me :)


  • Hi,

    1. In general are you able to drive/control a GPIO pin through a cloud service? I'm already assuming this is a no since these are mostly for collecting and transforming data but just to make sure. 
    2. Generally to drive the GPIO NMOS for the nRF91 SiP on the Thingy 91 would be done through an LTE connection, is it possible to do this through creating an external application like an app or website? So you could press a button on this application and that would set the variable assigned to a pin to be set to HIGH and then it drives an LED or whatever would be connected to the GPIO pin?

    The answer is yes, the device can change GPIO state if you send a specific command through cloud. See the method mentioned in (+) Using nrf9160-DK and nrfCloud - Control GPIO from the nrfCloud - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (

    3. Also if I have my Thingy plugged into the wall to power, I should still be able to use the Serial Monitor application on nRF Connect for Desktop to communicate via AT commands correct?  

    Yes, as long as you connect the USB port with PC.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Charlie! 

    Thank you so much for your reply, this really helps me plan through this project! Just to clarify this: 

    Yes, as long as you connect the USB port with PC.

    So if my Thingy is connected to the wall via USB I wouldn't be able to use Connect for Desktop because it's not plugged into the computer. 

    Also, I went to the DevZone post you pointed me towards and found the documentation for that command. The sample on the SDK is only available for the 9160DK but I'm assuming the command and logic can be implemented with the Thingy 91?

    Thanks again for all the help!

  • witch_mountain said:
    So if my Thingy is connected to the wall via USB I wouldn't be able to use Connect for Desktop because it's not plugged into the computer. 

    Yes, because the nRF Connect for Desktop is running on PC with Mac/Win/Linux. 

    witch_mountain said:
    Also, I went to the DevZone post you pointed me towards and found the documentation for that command. The sample on the SDK is only available for the 9160DK but I'm assuming the command and logic can be implemented with the Thingy 91?

    Yes, the nRF Cloud can be used with all nRF91 devices.

  • Hi Charlie! 

    I got caught up with a few things but to follow up your answer with using the SendDeviceMessage Endpoint, how do you exactly enter in the message portion that you want to toggle a GPIO pin on the SiP? Do I use the the same syntax as the AT command to access the pins #XGPIO or is there something else I would enter? I checked the DevZone post you recommended and they simply had a test message so I wanted to know what the syntax would be for a GPIO pin. 


  • Hi Charlie! 

    I got caught up with a few things but to follow up your answer with using the SendDeviceMessage Endpoint, how do you exactly enter in the message portion that you want to toggle a GPIO pin on the SiP? Do I use the the same syntax as the AT command to access the pins #XGPIO or is there something else I would enter? I checked the DevZone post you recommended and they simply had a test message so I wanted to know what the syntax would be for a GPIO pin. 


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