radio test failing on MODULATED_TX mode


I am trying to make radio test functions work on my 52840-based board using SDK 2.5.2. After some effort I managed to create a simple test program that partially works, see the picture:

case 1,2 and 3, corresponding ro unmodulated tx (low, middle and high channel), perfectly work (the array I pass to .txpower is used to online change the carrier power) and I can see the carrier on my spectrum analyzer being enabled in the right position. However, when I activate tests on modulated tx (for example test 4 in the picture, low channel) I get a hard fault:

which points at mpsl_init.c, line 112:

What am I doing wrong?


Kind regards,


  • Hi Stefano,

    Are you using the radio_test sample or is it your custom application?

    Could you check whether all modulation parameters are properly set and initializations are done correctly before starting the modulated transmission? It would be great if you could attached any detailed log messages which might give better insight.



  • Hello Priyanka,

    Thank you for your answer. I need to use my custom application but I took inspiration from your radio_test sample. Specifically, I copied the clock_init() function from the test, which is called at startup. 

    as you see from the comment in the code, I also tried to call radio_test_init and pass the related (and properly-filled) structure pointer to it, but if I do so I get an error from nrfx_timer_init (called by timer_init inside radio_test_init): 

    What am I doing wrong?



  • Hello Priyanka,

    Thank you for your answer. I need to use my custom application but I took inspiration from your radio_test sample. Specifically, I copied the clock_init() function from the test, which is called at startup. 

    as you see from the comment in the code, I also tried to call radio_test_init and pass the related (and properly-filled) structure pointer to it, but if I do so I get an error from nrfx_timer_init (called by timer_init inside radio_test_init): 

    What am I doing wrong?



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