I'm planning to replace some parts of my circuit with nPM1300.
Heres my existing circuit.
USB micro -->> lithium ion charging chip---->> Battery--->> Mosfet switch with push button --->> LDO Reg (3.3V) ------>nrf52832<<-----Voltage divider for reading batt voltage
I have still a boost circuit to 5V for sensors from the battery but that is not relevant I guess.
It works by turning on via push button switch which will turn on the mosfet, then powering the nRF52832, then after 3 seconds the nRF52832 will trigger the mosfet so when button is release the mosfet doesnt turn off. The trigger of the mosfet switch is also read by nrf52832. When button is press again the nRF52832 will trigger the mosfet switch to off position, turning off the circuit.
1. If I replace some part of the circuit with nPM1300 that will replace the lithium ion charging chip, voltage divider for batt reading, LDO regulator and can I eliminate my power on/off switch via mosfet? Can nPM1300 function as a power switch of the whole circuit?
2. If yes to Q1 does the SHP BUTTON can do that function? As I understand if you press the button connected to SHP pin you can put it to hibernate / low power mode or is there a way turn off the whole circuit?
3. If yes to Q2 , the other one I read is when you plug it on charger that will wake the nPM1300 from SHIP mode or hibernate mode? That will power again the whole circuit right? So the whole device will be turned on? What I will just charge and wont turn on the device?
4. Does nPM1300 only accept USB C or works with USB micro? since only USB has CC pins afaik.
5. Do i need to buy the plugin for nPM1300 dev board to create batt profile even if my lipo battery capacity is the same with the included models but different model?