VScode nrf connect plugin connected devices can not display the development board device serial number.

Hello Nordic Team!

I updated to version 5.0.0 of NRF Connect for Desktop and since then, when I try to program my development kit in VS Code, it can appear as connected but can't get the device serial number which lead to flash failed. The Toolchain Manager version is v2.6.0 and the NRF Connect SDK version is v2.6.0. I have tried refreshing the "connected devices", but the problem persists. I uesd nRF5340 audio DK.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hello,

    It's not wrong in flash step. It's about the connected device that I can't the board device serial number when I used nRF5340 DK.

    But the connected device can get the right board device serial number when I used nRF52832 DK.

    There is under the same condition. You can see the 'success' answer when the connected device get the right serial number.

  • Hello,

    the wrong log below is using  'programmer v4.4.0' in the 'nRF Connect for Desktop v5.0.0':

    2024-07-11T07:47:19.991Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000682603958.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-07-11T07:47:19.996Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: device connected"
    2024-07-11T07:47:20.026Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: running nrfutil device"
    2024-07-11T07:47:21.386Z ERROR Error: Failed with exit code 1.
    Failed to device info one or more devices:
    * 682603958: [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink.
    Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
    2024-07-11T07:47:21.386Z INFO Auto Reconnecting Device SN: 000682603958
    2024-07-11T07:47:21.414Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store 000682603958.pc-nrfconnect-programmer
    2024-07-11T07:47:21.414Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: running nrfutil device"
    2024-07-11T07:47:21.414Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: device connected"
    2024-07-11T07:47:22.741Z ERROR Error: Failed with exit code 1.
    Failed to device info one or more devices:
    * 682603958: [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink.
    Message: Operation device-info failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
    2024-07-11T07:47:22.741Z INFO Using nrfutil device to communicate with target via JLink
    2024-07-11T07:47:22.772Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: device selected"
    2024-07-11T07:47:22.772Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: running nrfutil device"
    2024-07-11T07:47:23.033Z DEBUG Sending event "programmer: running nrfutil device"
    2024-07-11T07:47:24.288Z INFO Reading readback protection status for Application core
    2024-07-11T07:47:24.288Z ERROR Failed "reading readback protection status for application core". Error: code: 9, description: Nrfjlink, message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR
    2024-07-11T07:47:24.461Z ERROR Error: Failed with exit code 1.
    One or more batch tasks failed:
    - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink.
    Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.
    2024-07-11T07:47:24.461Z ERROR Error: Failed with exit code 1.
    One or more batch tasks failed:
    - [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR, code: Nrfjlink.
    Message: Batch task protection-get failed, [jlink] JLINKARM_DLL_ERROR.

  • Can you please provide the output from running the following command in command line: nrfjprog --version

  • nrfjprog version: 10.24.2 external
    JLinkARM.dll version: 7.94e

  • Have discussed internally and we are wondering if the legacy drivers from JLink are installed on you computer? E.g. the following screenshot show what it should look like

    If these are missing can you please update nRF Connect for Desktop to v5.0.1? 
